Property News

Secrets to a Stress-Free House Move

Moving house can be difficult, so much so that research by Which? found that after divorce, selling and buying a home are the most stress-inducing life events. Despite this, the UK is a nation of movers. Even with Brexit looming, thousands of house sales are completed every month, meaning Brits are continually facing the stress of moving home.

Fortunately, with a little preparation and planning, there are ways to reduce the stress associated with a move and make the process smoother.

Declutter First

It is no secret that the majority of households have items that are unused or forgotten about, but did you know that across the UK, this amasses to more than £30billion worth? Getting rid of clutter before packing is a stress-saving solution, as owning less means there is less to pack, less to move, and less to unpack. 

Pack Early

Having a home that is filled with boxes can be frustrating, but not allowing adequate time can leave you feeling stressed. Packing early can help you to feel calmer about the move. It also provides more time to spend with your family or friends and enjoy the last days in your current home and area.

List and Label

Having a good packing system is essential for reducing house-moving stress. Carefully wrapping and packing is a must but make sure to also label boxes. Make a simple note of its contents and the room it needs to go in, as not doing so will mean routing around in boxes and lots of stress.

Moving Method

When you decide it is time to move, you need to select the best moving method – choosing the right one will help to reduce stress. You could hire a van and do it yourself, choose a professional removal company for a larger national move, or for overseas, a specialist shipping service for large and heavy items.

Moving Kit

When packing, remember a box of moving day essentials. This might include a kettle, tea, coffee, mugs, snacks, hand wash and toilet roll. Also add any important documentation you may need, including house deeds and a list of address changes, plus a pen and paper to take note of final electric and gas readings. 

Assemble the Bed

After a long day of moving, there are two things you will desperately want: a hot shower and your own bed. When arriving at your new property, assemble your bed frame first. You will feel so grateful for this and it will help you to relax at the end of the day.

Good luck with your move.


Source: Andre Jackson, 22nd February 2018

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